Thursday, April 30, 2009

Conditioning Exercises For High Altitude Training

Conditioning Exercises for High Altitude Activities

Every year a lot of individuals decide to do a trek or a hike to a beautiful mountain range. The idea is to get away from the daily stress of life and participate in a activity which elevates you to a sense of freedom.

I love the attitude and the enthusiasm these individuals possess, hats off to them. A lot of them are working class who have never done such activities and in the process of excitement which comes along the adventure, we all forget to make ourselves physically ready for such an intense activity.

High Altitude Activies press a huge demand on the human body and it often can lead to injuries and a bad experience.. So instead of having fun and enjoying the adventure, we end up struggling and in pain throughout.

So whenever you decide, start your preparations way in advance. atleast 3 - 4 months prior to your actual date of travel.

** What you need to Improve in your fitness -

-Improve your Cardio vascular capacity - Condition your Heart, do cardiovascular activities in your set heart rate zone (65 to 85 % of 220- age )
-Improve your Core Stability and Core Strength - always do stability exercises first and then movement type.
-Train for Muscular Endurance and Muscular Strength
-Follow a Healthy Diet - Fruits / Carbs / Proteins / Essential Fats
-Do Yoga -- Pranayam for improving Lung Capacity and Asanas fro Flexibility & Stability.
-Stability of ankles / knees & lumbo pelvic hip complex ( v imp) as the terrain outside is rough.
-Consult a fitness expert before you start a program.
-Do a fitness test before you start a fitness program so you know your improvements by the end of your program.

** Cardio Vascular ACTIVITIES such as -
1. Uphill Walking
2. Jogging ( Beach / Treadmill )
3. Stair Climbing
4. Mountain Biking
5. Circuit Training ( is also a strength and endurance building activity)

**Core Stability / Strength ACTIVITIES such as - (follow the sequence given below)
1. Supine Bridge ( floor / swiss ball )
2. Side Plank
3. Plank
4. Floor prone cobra
5. Quadruped Opposite arm & leg lifts
1. Short lever Crunch ( floor / swiss ball)
2. Long lever Crunch (floor / swiss ball )
3. Swiss Ball dynamic Cobra
4. Reverse Crunch
5. Cable or Resistence tube Spinal Rotation ( lunge position or swiss ball)

** Muscular endurance & Muscular strength
1. Circuit Training ( full body / upper body / lower body )
2. Weight training focussed more on the big body parts such as Back / Chest / Legs, repetetions in the range of 15 to 20 / and 50 to 60 % of 1RM intensity.

**Diet - Diet with a proper protein intake which helps you built and strenthen your muscles. ( Consult a Dietician or a Fitness Professional )
** Yoga is very important to improve Lung capacity and Muscular flexibility and stability. A normal routine can be e.g. -
1. Kapalbhati
2. sectional breathing
3. Nadishuddhi
4. suryanamaskars
5. standing balancing asanas
6. sitting forward bending and backward bending asanas
7. sitting spainal twisting asanas
8. nadishuddhi with omkar chanting
9. shavasana
10. this a sample program ( consult a yoga professional for a individualised program)

**Ankle stability and knee stability can be trained on reebok core board. Hip pelvic and Lumbar stability is also trained in core stability workout.
**Sample Weekly Training Program

day 1 - yoga and core

day 2 - full body circuit training

day 3 - cardio

day4 - rest

repeat the cycle from day 5 again